Saturday, May 28, 2011

beloved house

For the past 2 weeks was very disappointed, as I was asked to move from my current quarters at kk before 16th june, due to some administration reasons.
Was feeling low, dont even have mood to continue decorating or cleaning

Last thursday, after seeing my boss , i manage to stay in this house and the order to evacuate the house was annulled. I have gain some friends in this battle and get to know some character.

All I can say is, whatever we have doesnt belong to us, it belongs to Him and He can take it away at anytime, not to make us suffer , but to bring us closer to Him.


spare tyres

As everyone expected working in kk means you r seeing patients, while you are sitting, thus more like a desk job,unless there is an emergecny case that u have to attend at emergency room .

We also have more course to attend compare to those woring in the hospital , as courses is the only way we can have " learning session" unlike hospital, where the specialist will give you "input" during rounds.
Atending course = 3 meals/day: breakfast,lunch and tea.

sum it all up : calories intake > calories been burn out

this equal to overweight doctors.. huk huk..

When I first join the service as HO , i was abit plum..bcs of sedentary life style at college during study period and at home after graduated..Then I started working, i lost about 10kg,yehuuu!!! There were days that I dint manage to eat for > 24Hours! (huh , baik aku niat puase je masa tuh,hehe)

While being in ED HPJ (means working shift hours = increase chances to eat) a staff come over and asked if im expecting!!(while tapping my "baby bump") sob sob.. i can just smile to her, saying.. ini semua kegemukkan akak (i can't even say that, im not even married!!) hahahaha

So now i can sense that my fat has start to accumulate and i have to do something :D